Slide Projections, Light Boxes, Silicon
According to Friedrich Kittler, there can never be any computer artists, because there is no way for their work to be independent of the means provided by computer scientists. The work "Silikon Labor"
("Silicon Laboratory" - 1995) shows that there is a grain of truth in every such rumor. Slide projectors, standing on a table and on wooden pedestals, project single pictures onto the walls of a gallery space. Slides lie on a light-box on the table, and there are others in boxes. At first sight, it seems that someone was interrupted during research and left everything in a rush. The slides show forms that are created when silicon is pressed between two glass frames. These biomorphic dendrite shapes are colorless versions of the kind of illustrations generated by computers and produced with great effort. The "Silikon Labor" is a low-tech version of a silicon graphics computer, which is used to create the so-called techno-aesthetic. In a sense, the work confirms Kittler‘s dictum: Computer art is only possible without a computer.

(from Martin Pesch: Magie und Methode)