with Sylvie Ungauer,
Maison du Livre, de l'Image et du Son,
Villeurbanne, 1995/96
The label "Expedition Europa" denotes a number of collaborations with the French artist Sylvie Ungauer. The way of the expedition is marked by stereotypes, understood as fictional and mass-reproducible - or medially communicated offers of identities. In the role of double agents who aren't attached to any ideology, the common identity is continuously changed and clichés are examined for their suitability towards hypotheses for working and living.

Libraries represent the collective memory. They are public spaces as well as forums of an imaginary public. They are the point of intersection between physical - or real - and fictitious presence.

Over the period of the week during the Media Festival, visitors to the library of Villeurbanne were given bright orange overshoes upon entering. Herewith the entrance into a fictional world and at the same time real steps - from the counter, to the shelf, to the index cards etc. - were intended to be made identifiable. The shoes were to be returned before leaving the library. On a transparent paper, lying on top of a copy of the floor plan of the library, each visitor then drew the path they had followed. The transparent papers with the different routes of the visitors on one day were then placed on top of each other and compiled as a diagram of stages. Afterwards all the diagrams were exhibited together at the Artothek in the library along with a video documenting the process.

(from Gerhard Wild: Vom Raum zum Space)